Once upon a time there was a Java blog software using the acegi security framework...
When looking for a Java blog software i stumbled across Pebble. The blog uses the acegi security framework. Spring in a homeopathic dose. ;-)
Hey, i know something about this framework as well as Spring core. So i decided to inject the newer spring-security and some more Spring into Pebble...
Today - some months later - an OSGi based version of Pebble is online. Not all features of Pebble 2.3.2 have been migrated during this experiment. The main focus was to divide the monolithic war file into smaller OSGi bundles. That wasn't fun all the way - but it's worth the time solving this quest...
This post is part of a series about an OSGi experiment: Migrate a monolith to a modular OSGi application architecture.
▷ The Beginning of an OSGi Experiment
▷ Building OSGi ready pebble with Maven
▷ Extracting the first OSGi bundle
▷ Extracting the E-Mail Service
▷ Adding an OSGi command (Equinox)
▷ The tale of a sitemesh experiment
▶︎ In the middle of an OSGi experiment/series/pebble/In the middle of an OSGi experiment.md
▷ Rejuvenation of the news feed
Header cover Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst