Extract the DAO layer

This time the target is pebbles DAO layer. Pretty straight forward:

  • create a bundle dao for the already available interfaces in net.sourceforge.pebble.dao
  • create a bundle net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.file for the file based implementation.

With the following relevant parts in the MANIFEST.MF:

Require-Bundle:  net.sourceforge.pebble."bundle-version";[2.3.2,2.4.0)",
Export-Package: net.sourceforge.pebble.dao

The configuration

<bean id="blogEntryDao" class="pebble.dao.file.FileBlogEntryDAO" />
<bean id="categoryDao" class="net.sourceforge.dao.file.FileCategoryDAO" />
<bean id="refererFilterDao" class="net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.file.FileRefererFilterDAO" />
<bean id="staticPageDao" class="net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.file.FileStaticPageDAO" />

<osgi:service ref="blogEntryDao" interface="net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.BlogEntryDAO" />
<osgi:service ref="categoryDao" interface="net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.CategoryDAO" />

<osgi:service ref="refererFilterDao" interface="net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.RefererFilterDAO" />
<osgi:service ref="staticPageDao" interface="net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.StaticPageDAO" />

The first mayor step forward to a modular blog software.

This post is part of a series about an OSGi experiment: Migrate a monolith to a modular OSGi application architecture.

The Beginning of an OSGi Experiment

Building OSGi ready pebble with Maven

Third time it's a charm

Extracting the first OSGi bundle

▶︎ Extract the DAO layer

Adding the listener aspect

▷ ...

Header cover Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst