Self-made continuous integration with Travis CI

In the post How to Run your Travis Build locally we did the heavy work ourself.

The original setup was fine to debug a Travis CI job locally - once in a while.

Why don't go a step further and setup a continuous integration pipeline ourself?

Travis CI

Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects.

With this series of post we'll look deeper into how to setup a self-made continuous integration with Travis CI.

We start with the easy part: Automate android builds...

Let's do some plumbing!

At this point we assume Docker is already up and running.

The components will use a message queue to communicate with each other:

$ docker run -d \
    --restart=always \
    --hostname travis-rabbitmq \
    --name travis-rabbitmq \

You might want to publish some ports --publish 5672:5672 --publish 15672:15672 to make them available from outside the host. The RabbitMQ Management will be accessible via http://localhost:15672/#/. Creating a custom RabbitMQ container with preconfigured queues can be automated, too.

TravisCI components - available from Github - are next on the list:

  • travis-build - creates the build script for each job. It takes the configuration from the .travis.yml file and creates a bash script that is then run in the build environment by travis-worker.
  • worker - Worker is the component of Travis CI that will run a CI job on some form of compute instance. It's responsible for getting the bash script from travis-build, spin up the compute instance (VM, Docker container, or maybe something different), upload the bash script, run it and stream the logs back to travis-logs. It also sends state updates to travis-hub.

The travis-build component comes first:

$ git clone
$ cd travis-build
$ docker build -t travis-build .
$ docker run -d \
    --restart=always \
    --name travis-build \
    --publish 5000:5000 \
    -e PORT=5000 \

With the following snippet:

      "bundle exec rake"

we can test the configuration (given you save the snippet above as travis-build-test.json and travis-build is running on localhost).

$ curl -d "@travis-build-test.json" localhost:5000/script >

If you get back a shell script the first part of the setup is finished.

That was the first the next post we'll guide you through the logical next step: Setting up a TravisCI worker locally.