Profiling Virgo on a Mac with YourKit

A good start are the profiling instructions from the Virgo Wiki. However I got a deprecation warning in the first run.

[YourKit Java Profiler 2015 build 15062] Log file: /Users/fluffi/.yjp/log/Main-65047.log
15062 0.006: warning: deprecated option: builtinprobes=none; using probe_disable=com.yourkit.probes.builtin.* instead

Running a newer version of the YourKit I successfully used YourKit with YJP_HOME and JAVA_OPTS on my Mac:

$ export YJP_HOME=${PROJ_ROOT}/tools/
$ export JAVA_OPTS="-agentpath:$YJP_HOME/bin/mac/libyjpagent.jnilib=disablestacktelemetry,disableexceptiontelemetry,probe_disable=com.yourkit.probes.builtin.*,delay=1000"

Happy profiling...