Installing Pebble behind an Apache HTTP Server

Third time's the charm. Installing Pebble in - The Wallaby Years - ...

Download Apache Tomcat and Pebble. Grab the web archive and install it into Tomcat.

$ mv pebble-2.6.4.war pebble.war
$ cp pebble $CATALINA_HOME/webapps

Configure url and secureUrl inside the exploded war webapps/pebble/WEB-INF/ The configuration will be overwritten when a new version is installed. :(

-- snip --
# the base URL (can start http:// or https://) where your blog is hosted, default is auto-discover at runtime

# the secure URL (starting https://), which should only be set if you intend to use secure login
-- snap --

And setup Apache to serve the content:

<VirtualHost *:443>

  <Location "/pebble/">
    ProxyPass http://localhost:8080/pebble/
    ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8080/pebble/

  SSLEngine on