How to replace an App with the Android Debug Bridge

Start the Android Debug Bridge available in the folder platform-tools of your Android SDK:

$ ${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools/adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

List installed packages:

$ shell@android:/ $ pm list packages -f | grep planets

That's it. Let's leave the shell...

shell@android:/ $ exit

and uninstall the old package...

$ ${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools/adb uninstall de.datenkollektiv.planets

then reinstall the current version:

$ ${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools/adb install planets/build/outputs/apk/planets-release.apk
9141 KB/s (3328026 bytes in 0.355s)
    pkg: /data/local/tmp/planets-release.apk

For more information visit adb.