Create Your Own Spring Boot Banner

Since so many people seem to look for an online banner.txt generator - here it is:

An online Spring Boot banner generator: banner.txt

A Spring Boot application prints a banner during startup. This banner can be customized. Simply add banner.txt to your application classpath.

For more information (e.g. Banner variables) see Customizing the Banner

Instead of using our generator you can also generate banners directly with a simple REST call. The REST endpoint supports two URL-Parameter:

  • text - the banner text and
  • font - the FIGlet font to use to render the banner text.

The following example shows how to render the text Rose with the flowerpower font using curl:

$ curl ""
.-------.         ,-----.        .-'''-.      .-''-.
|  _ _   \      .'  .-,  '.     / _     \   .'_ _   \
| ( ' )  |     / ,-.|  \ _ \   (`' )/`--'  / ( ` )   '
|(_ o _) /    ;  \  '_ /  | : (_ o _).    . (_ o _)  |
| (_,_).' __  |  _`,/ \ _/  |  (_,_). '.  |  (_,_)___|
|  |\ \  |  | : (  '\_/ \   ; .---.  \  : '  \   .---.
|  | \ `'   /  \ `"/  \  ) /  \    `-'  |  \  `-'    /
|  |  \    /    '. \_/``".'    \       /    \       /
''-'   `'-'       '-----'       `-...-'      `'-..-'

Here is another sample we used to create our soft banner for Planets:

$ curl ""
,------. ,--.                         ,--.              ,---.                                        
|  .--. '|  | ,--,--.,--,--,  ,---. ,-'  '-. ,---.     '   .-'  ,---. ,--.--.,--.  ,--.,---. ,--.--.
|  '--' ||  |' ,-.  ||      \| .-. :'-.  .-'(  .-'     `.  `-. | .-. :|  .--' \  `'  /| .-. :|  .--'
|  | --' |  |\ '-'  ||  ||  |\   --.  |  |  .-'  `)    .-'    |\   --.|  |     \    / \   --.|  |    
`--'     `--' `--`--'`--''--' `----'  `--'  `----'     `-----'  `----'`--'      `--'   `----'`--'    

Tip: You can create colorful banners when you add Ansi Colors like ${AnsiColor.MAGENTA} to your banner.txt.

Have fun creating your banner!

Possible alternatives:

To generate the skeleton you might want to use a Text to ASCII Art Generator.